misaligned images

Anonymous due to NDA
2019-03-29 02:54
I have an Ocams-1CGNU that I have been working with for a while.   I have made a plugin to get its data into Gstreamer.   Now it is getting close to demo time for the project that I am working on and I have noticed a rather big show stopper.   The images that the ocam gives me are misaligned pretty badly.   One camera appears to be aimed in a different direction than the other.

Here is what the raw output looks like if I use this command:

gst-launch-1.0 -v v4l2src device=/dev/video4 ! video/x-raw, width=640, height=480 ! autovideosink

After I have decoded it, it looks like this.

I'm clearly decoding the Bayer pattern correctly.  The images that I am getting are in the correct aspect ratio and resolutions.   It appears as if the ocam is just giving me shifted data or maybe one of the lenses is improperly placed on the circuit board?

Is there some sort of windowing function that I should be looking for that would tell each camera what portion of its sensor it should be sending or something like that?   As is, this is unusable for our needs.


-- Note to anyone reading this after I posted --

This issue has been resolved after contacting withrobot directly.  The replacement camera has perfectly aligned images.